Your local library offers more than just books!
Geauga County Public Library is the go-to resource for patrons AND BUSINESSES to find whatever information they need or want. Research materials that go far beyond Google’s credibility? We’ve got that. Exciting young adult dystopian novels? We’ve got them. Broadway musicals? Yes. Classic literature? Of course. Hollywood hits? The latest music? Audiobooks to sweeten your commute? Great programming? A vibrant writers group? Check. Check. Check. Check. And check.
Their staff is welcoming and hardworking. Get recommendations for materials as well as serious scholarly sources for your papers from our reference librarians. They’re here to help.
The Geauga County Public Library includes five full-service branches in Bainbridge, Chardon, Chesterland (Geauga West), Middlefield, and Thompson, a fleet of Mobile Service vehicles that serve rural areas and community centers, and an Administrative Center where technical services, computer services, facilities and administrative functions reside, in addition to its public library space.
Join us as we learn more about how The Geauga County Public Library can benefit your business!